Somehow, my recent The Dark Knight 100 icons batch feels incomplete without a set of icons from the movie preceeding it for icons100. Henceforth I have set about to remedy this, and this post is the first of what will most probably be two entries regarding this subject. (Gah why does that sound so stuffy?) Capes, bats, and heroes abound, and of course I
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Requests are done-72 icons behind the cut and those of you requesting icons will notice that you have more than you requested because I figured you'd at least get something you like. LOL!
They are all shareable with the exception of those with usernames (numbers: 1 & 56 ) and of course numbers 64-67 & 70-72 since those were made for twinsfan33 using her
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More icons ofThe Dark Knight, some left over from when I was making my first batch, others made when I was in the mood for TDK (Heath Ledger's win was about the only good thing about the Oscars) and also some Batman Begins and iTunes-style humor icons thrown in. ;-) I had so much fun with all these
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